

Azez- Beings of the Light

According to the book, " Azez Medicine-Healing the Mind, Body, & Spirit With the Beings of the Light", written by Fay Thompson, there exists a group of light beings from the Star Azez. Azez is a star whose energy is fed by the Central Golden Sun. The Azez ET's say that the Central Golden Sun is not the sun that lights the Earth and our solar system.  It is the Sun that lights the cosmos and the Sun that gave life to our sun on Earth  and all the other suns in all the universes in all the cosmos. Azez is a fragment of the Central Golden Sun.

Azez Light Beings say their purpose is to help humanity remember our inifinite potential and uncover our innate healing abilities. The Azez light beings brought the wisdom of water to the earth and say that water is limitless in its being, cannot be destroyed only transformed, is highly programmable like clear quartz crystals and is extraterrestrial. Water is eternal life. They also say that scientists have known for a very long time that the properties of water are unlike any other substance on Earth.

My Azeztulite stone as pictured above is connected to the star Azez and is an extremely high vibrational stone that was brought forth to Earth at this time to aid humans in their evolution to carry more ๐Ÿ’˜ love and light within their physical bodies. But if a person using this crystal is resistant to the letting go process, there may be uncomfortable circumstances or conditions that arise in that persons life. 

The Azez light beings say it is not advisable to work with Azeztulite stones if a person is not spiritually, emotionally, nor mentally ready. 

Azeztulite carries the wisdom of the Azez and has been programmed by The Beings of the Light specifically to aid humanity in remembering their innate powers of divinity and multidimensionality.

Azeztulite is a self-clearing crystal that does not absorb negativity or lower energies, never needs clearing or reprgramming. Instead, Azeztulite transmutes lower energies by raising them up to a higher vibration. It is a master stone that cannot be programmed to a lower level, but has the ability to upgrade the programming of other crystals including water.

The Azeztulite in the above photo is one that I purchased for myself. The first time I read about these crystals was in a book titled,  "Signature of an Abductee- Guidebook to the Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Through the  Ages."

I loved this book--freaking fantastic ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!! It was written by a mother/daughter duo (Mary Munoz & HannahThoresen) and gives first hand accounts of their personal experiences, with photos of markings on their body from abduction, seeing unusual orbs,  bizarre extraterrestrials, ufo's, vanishing entities, hypnotic regression, missing time, shadow agencies, strange dreams about destruction if

of the world or ending of this planet as we know it which the ladies felt may have been tests by shadow agencies to see how they would react as well as amazing sketches of humanoid and non-humanoid and hybrid aliens, ufo's and more...

They also give practical and sound advice when dealing with your own personal experiences in these matters such as meditation, grounding techniques, crystals for protection or for contacting benevolent ET'S. They also list herbs and plants to help increase the probability of ET communication.

I especially enjoyed the different perspectives/accounts/views that Mary & Hannah shared in regards to unusual experiences they had while together such as ET abductions, sleep paralysis, dreams, memories, etc. The writing in this book is very down-to-earth as if friends are trusting you with private and confidential weird and unique experiences that are not of this world!๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ’ซ

If you believe in extraterrestrials, ufo's and the power of healing crystals, ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’Ž I highly recommend reading the above books and working with Azeztulite.

Galactic Blessings,
